Meet Maxi Junior

Hi there! I hope you’re doing fine.

I’m a happy mother now and I’m so proud of my baby, I don’t mind I get no sleep at night! 😉

Meet my sweet little baby, find some pictures below, as promised!

His first picture

His first picture

With his mum right after giving birth

With his mum right after giving birth

This is with his dad!

This is him with his dad!

Here Maxi Junior four days old!

Here Maxi Junior four days old!

6 thoughts on “Meet Maxi Junior

  1. he’s soooo cute 😉 congrats, I wish ur all okay and don’t worry about us we are all doing good 😀 although Eva is kind of hursh on us :/ but we’re doing fine. The baby looks just like, he’s soooo beautiful and lovely he would make a pretty handsome man take care of your self and the baby too XOXOXO

  2. Laura, es preciosísimo, se os ve a los dos estupendos justo al terminar el duro trance del parto.
    Tiene una cara muy seria y rasgos con mucha personalidad para ser tan pequeño. Disfrutad. Parecerá tonto pero me he emocionado al veros……besossssssss

  3. How handsome!! Im glad to see your photos,Laura. He reminds me of you in your last photo! How do you feel now? Im so proud of you!! Im sure you will be a great mother for him !! I hope meet him… and I have a question.. will you speak english to him or spanish? 😛 Lovely really.. this post touched my heart!! Congrats 🙂

  4. Thank you very much dear students!
    I’m very glad with my new baby, but also very busy and very tired. I didn’t imagine having a baby was so time-consuming!
    I’ll let you know how all goes very soon.

    In the meantime, have fun and enjoy the holidays! Happy Xmas to you all!

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